dinsdag 5 maart 2019

Movies March 2018

Last year in March I saw 39 movies and 5 series.
My favorite movies this month seem to have one thing in common: they all adres the subject of captivity:
3)'Raise the red lantern': A gripping tale of a young woman becoming the fourth wife of a wealthy man.
2) 'Room': A beautiful but horrifying tale about unknowingly being raised in captivity. 
1)'The skin I live in': A true master piece about staying true to yourself when you're unwillingly being turned into someone you're not.
 I'm not a fan of the horror genre but the 'American Horror Story' series deliver well rounded, layered chilling stories series after series.
'Big little lies' tells the story about fierce women protecting their children. It's full of intrigue and friendship with a hint of abuse.
'Scream Queens' is a slasher serie with Jamie Lee Curtis. I watched it mainly for the fashion because the plot was ridiculous.
'The Flash' is still not a good series but it's very light and with the power of Netflix I just kept binching.
'12 Monkeys' is a series about one of my favorite movies. It's a pretty decent spin off and I just love anything with time travel.

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